Tempo Rugrats Cards (1997)

Tempo Trading Cards, a manufacturer of trading cards for the Australian market, has recently launched a set of Rugrats trading cards. These cards, which were available in very limited quanities (at least in the US & Canada) are out of print, and are being sold by collectors for top dollar, with values from US$10 to US$20 for the 100-card basic set; up to US$75 per card  for special cards (chase cards, expressionist cards, etc.)

Here's whats on those cards (all pictures ©1997 Viacom.):

Basic Set

Picture Of Card: Card Type: Description:
Header card 1 card; title card, with general description of the series on back.
Character Cards 17 cards; features  the Rugrats and the adults.

Episode Cards Trading card adaptations of 2 Rugrats episodes, with original art made for this card set:

Touchown Tommy
The Trial

27 cards each; with each card including the transcript on the back.

Hanging Mobile Cards 9 cards; use them to make your own Rugrats mobile.
Caught In The Act 2 Cards; each card featuring the Rugrats caught doing something wrong.
Spot The Difference 3 cards; spot the color difference between the 2 identica; pictures on each card.
"The Klakker" 1 card; attach to your bike spokes with a clothes pin to make that sound.
Stand Ups 7 cards; featuring the Rugrats and others standing.
Tempo card 1 card; has Tempo logo on front and mission statement on back.
Checklists 3 cards; lists of all the cards in the basic & special sets.

Special Set

Cards in this set were published in limited quantities, and mixed in selected packs.
Picture Of Card: Card Type: Description:

Tommy's Favourite Things 7 cards; only 6000 of each published; presents the things that Tommy treasures most. Valued up to US$12.50 per card.
Rugrats At Play 3 cards; only 2500 of each published; shows the Rugrats playing. Valued up to US$27.50 per card.
Peek-A-Boo 1 card; only 700 published; a matching game. Valued at up to US$75.00
The Ultimate Chase Card 2 cards; only 50 of each published; one shows Tommy and Chuckie as "The Pursuers"; the other has Angelica as "The Pursued". Outside of animation cels, this is probably the rarest Rugrats consumer item on the market; fetching up to US$75 each.

Dealers Only

The following cards were available only to trading card dealers, as premiums or samples.

(The pictures of these cards came from eBay.)
Picture Of Card: Card Type: Description:

Promo cards These 5 promo cards were available only to dealers, probably to pass out to customers. A limited number were produced.
Expressionist cards These 4 cards were also available only to dealers, probably as premiums. These cards are printed and plastic. With only 700 of each card produced, they've been sold for up to US$50.00 per set.

Shortly after the cards' release, Tempo went out of business. They announced that they were going to produce a binder for the set, but it was never produced. However, their web site is still up.

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