"...starring Dil Pickles" in Nickelodeon Magazine

Here are the Rugrats comics that were published in some issues of Nickelodeon Magazine, all featuring Dil Pickles as the predominant character:
Issue: Credits: Description:
December 1999 Script: Scott Roberts
Pencils, Inks & Lettering: Tim Harkins
Everyone tries to find out why Dil is crying.
March 2000 Script: Adam Beechen
Pencils, Inks & Lettering: Tim Harkins
Colors: Stu Chaifetz
Dil makes a mess out of his food while Didi's on the phone.
October 2000 Script: Adam Beechen
Pencils & Inks: Vince DePorter
Tim Harkins
Colors: Stu Chaifetz
Stu & Dil play "airplane".

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