
Comic Adventures Miscellanea

Rugrats Now Sold By The Set

Nickelodeon is selling all 3 volumes in complete sets, rather than one at a time through subscription. Here are the prices (rates for US only):
Volume 1 $17.50
Volume 2 $17.50
Volume 3 $17.50
Volumes 2 & 3 $30.00

To order by phone with a credit card, call 1-800-847-2100 or 1-800-759-7200, or you can send check or money order to:

Rugrats Comic Adventures
P.O. Box 9054
Deer Park, NY 11729-9931

As usual, don't forget parental permission.

Also, all issues are available, or will be available, separately through your local Diamond Comics dealer.

Statement Of Ownership, Management, and Circulation

Near the end of every year, all magazines, newspapers and other printed matter shipped Periodical Class (2nd Class) must file this document (also known as PS-3526) with the US Postal Service, and must publish a copy of this form in one of their issues.

All issues of RCA distributed in December include a copy of this form, though set up to fit any available space in the magazine.

To see this form, set up to almost look like the actual form (complete with instructions and pointers, which do not need to be published):
Click here for 1998
Click here for 1999
(There was no Statement issued for 2000.)

The Postal Service has a blank copy of PS-3526 in PDF (Acrobat) format on their website.

Coming To A Comic Store Near You

In January 1999, V.1 #1 of Rugrats Comic Adventures was available where fine magazines are sold (bookstores, newsstands, supermarkets, etc.). It sold for $2.50 in US, $3.50 in Canada. The newsstand stint only lasted for that issue, unfortunately.

In September, Rugrats Comic Adventures comes to a comic shop near you. Diamond Comics Distributors will offer V.1 #s 1 & 2 in the July 1999 Previews catalog for September release; other issues will follow, one issue per month. The prices, however, are slightly more than the newsstand price -- $2.95 each. To order, check the contents pages (see below) for order numbers, then visit a comic shop nearest you (most of these get their comics from Diamond) and give them the numbers.

(Left: Ad for Rugrats Comic Adventures, from the July 1999 issue of Previews; to see a larger version of this ad, click here.  © 1997, 1999 Viacom.)

(Right: A similar ad from the September 1999 Nickelodeon Magzine, touting the "New & Improved" Rugrats magazine. To see a larger version of this ad, click here.  © 1998, 1999 Viacom.)

The Comic Book Industry Takes Notice of Rugrats

Rugrats Comic Adventures have been published for around 2 years, but with Diamond now offering it to comic shops, the comic book industry is already noticing its presence.

In issue 1339 (7/16/1999) of the Comics Buyer's Guide, editor Maggie Thompson, in her Comics Guide column, has this to say about Rugrats Comic Adventures and Nickelodeon Magazine's comics section, and their vital contribution to the comics industry:

Concerned comics buffs who worry that the current generation of potential young readers won't be able to find comic books can take comfort in the ongoing support of Nickelodeon Magazine ($3.50), which has been running a variety of comics features for quite some time and which has spun off the monthly Rugrats Comic Adventures, complete with an insert card offering the first volume of 10 issues for $17.50 of the first 2 volumes for $30 -- thus supporting both the burgeoning comic book reader and the comic book collector simultaneously. It's full-color, magazine-size, and work is done by a variety of contributors -- the feel is very much akin to the Dell licensed comics of the 1940s and 1950s. In a recent story, Angelica figures she can boss the others, if she's a teacher -- and the story takes it from there. There are several Done in One stories (another feel of the '40s) in each issue -- designed for "story-time sharing" with parents. Excellent.

(Note: "Done in One" is what the CBG refers to stories that start and end in the same issue.)

Credits (Volume 1):

(This information can be found in small-type on the inside back cover of each issue of RCA.)

Editors: Frank Pittarrese (V.1#1-#2), Frank Pittarrese & Rob Simpson (V.1 #3), Rob Simpson (V.1 #4-)(Rob Simpson is also editor of the Rugrats comic strip)

Designer: Elizabeth Van Italie

For Nickelodeon Magazines:

Editor-In-Chief: Laura Galen

Editor: Chris Duffy

Art Director: Tina Strasberg

Copy Editor: Autumn Miller

Production Manager: Lori Crook

Production Coordinator (V.2): J. Johnson

Production Assistant: J. Johnson (V.1), Ricardo Sean Thompson (V.2)

Circulation Director (V.1): Pat Hart Zackman

Circulation (Promotion) Manager: Kathleen Canning (V.1), Edelyn Enerio (V.2)

Circulation Associate: Alyssa Ruttenberg

General Manager: Dan Sullivan

Creative Director, MediaWorks (V.1): Scott Webb

General Manager, MediaWorks (V.2): Kris Bagwell

President, Nickelodeon: Herb Scannell

"Comic episodes (V.1 only) originally published in the United Kingdom by Marvel Comics, a division of Panini UK, Ltd."

Printed in USA (found on first page). Not mentioned in the magazine, RCA is published by Quebecor, a Montréal-based company that publishes their own magazines and newspapers, as well as prints comics and magazines for other leading publishers in North America (printer's information is found on the wrapper RCA is shipped in).

Also, credits for the writers and artists in RCA were not given for the first 3 issues; beginning with V.1 #4, credits for the comics were given, but the articles and puzzles remain anonymous, unless specified.

In V.1, all comics come from the British version, while V.2 has some comics from Britain and others made in the US specifically for this issue. V.3, to be released soon, will feature all American stories.

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