Nathalie, with Rafi

This is Nathalie, holding Rafi, shortly after her birth in 1982.

Knowing that being a mother means so much to her, Nathalie tearfully gives Rafi her promise:


Rafi, c'est votre premier jour dans le rouleau mortel.
Comme votre mère, ma mission est être avec vous, chaque heure, chaque jour.
Je ferai votre vie comme amusant et agréable comme possible.
Quand les choses sont difficiles, j'aide-vous pendant les situations dangereuses.
Si vous mourez avant moi, j'aurais échoué sévèrement à ma mission.
Je n'aurais pas échoué-vous.
Rafi... bienvenue à votre monde!


Rafi, this is your first day in the mortal coil.
As your mother, my mission is to be at your side, every hour, every day.
I will make your life as fun and pleasant as possible.
When things get tough, I will see through the danger.
If I outlive you, I would have severely failed in my mission.
I will not let you down.
Rafi... welcome to your world!

(Personally, I've shed a couple of tears myself when I drew and written this.)

This is Nathalie cradling Rafi shortly afterward.

She says to her in French: "I love you very much, my little kitten! Yes? Yes!"

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