Anna Yatsura Myrkowski is a 22-year old woman who has a weird hairstyle and
an equally-weird fashion-sense. She has been friends with Rafi since childhood,
but, while Rafi is a lesbian, Anna is straight. Anna frequently cusses like
a sailor and has opinions about everything.
She used to have a big lesbian sister, Rosie, though she died awhile back.
But, she's still in her heart -- and in her house -- Sister Rosie now watches
over both Anna and Rafi.
Anna was the strip's first character -- she was also the "dream girl"
that suggested that I get into the business end of comics. Originally the central
figure (and originally intended to be the ONLY figure), that position has since
been replaced by her friend, Rafi.
This is the very first picture of Anna that I drew. Note that she was
obese and brace-faced. Drawn with a Sharpie marker. |
My second full-frontal picture of Anna. At this point, she lost alot
of weight. Drawn with a ball-point gel pen (as are the other drawings
beyond this point.) |
Same picture as above, but rendered in color, using ArcSoft Photoimpression. |
Third front picture of Anna -- the same one as what's on
the main page of this site. Though, to be honest, I think I drew her breasts
incorrectly. |
Same image as above, but in color. |
Drawing of Anna in winter clothes, for a sequence where she goes to
Quebec for vacation. Unfortunately, that sequence ended abruptly; as a
result, Anna and Rafi (especially Rafi) is mad at me for that. |

My first solo Anna picture in 3 months -- this one's rendered with brush